Friday, October 25, 2013

Beyond Sunshine

Florida’s Sunshine Law was intended to stop backroom deals, which it did not do.  It did, however, interfere with the legality of normal civic discourse.  For instance, if two appointed members of South Miami’s Green Taskforce, were to take a bike ride together to explore streets that might be recommended by the Taskforce for inclusion in a city-wide bikeways plan, THAT would violate the Sunshine Law.  So, I offer up a solution that will allow engaged residents to work together to advise the City Commission without running afoul of this poorly considered law (from which the State Legislature exempted itself).  
I suggest the Neighbors Association form “Discussion Groups” that can engage the ideas and tasks important to the city.  The groups can make recommendations to the City Commission, just as would a city-sanctioned committee or task force.  However, because the city has not appointed the members, the group does not fall under the Sunshine Law.  One commission member at a time can even attend and participate.  The city has lots of issues that would benefit from thoughtful consideration by such groups. 
Philip Stoddard