Amended By-laws January 2017


January 2017


The name of this organization shall be South Miami Neighbors, Inc.  It shall be a non-profit organization


The general nature and objective of the Association shall be to maintain and enhance the character of our community for all the city’s residents, to promote interest on the affairs of the community, to provide a forum for the expression of ideas, to disseminate information, and encourage participation of the citizens of South Miami in all municipal areas.


Section 1:  Any homeowner, residential dweller, or affiliate member (property owner or business owner) within the city limits of the city of South Miami who is interested in the purpose of this organization may become a member upon payment of dues as hereafter provided.
Section 2:  The fiscal year shall be from the January to December meeting.  A family membership for homeowners and residential dweller is $15.00 and affiliate membership is $20.00.  These memberships shall become payable on the first day of October, except the payment of initial dues which shall be due when the membership is applied for.  At the board’s discretion, a first-time payment may be waived for a new member / new family.
Section 3:  Only those members who are in good standing by paying their current dues shall be eligible to vote at the meetings and hold office.
Section 4:  each homeowner and residential dweller membership is entitled to one vote.   Each affiliate membership has no voting rights.


Section 1:  OFFICERS:  The officers of this Association shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer.
(a)   The officers shall be elected by ballot for a term of one year at the January meeting.
(b)   An officer shall be eligible for the same office for more than two consecutive terms
(a)   Nominations for office shall be made by a nominating committee consisting of a maximum of 5 members, three of whom shall be members of the Board of Directors.
(b)   The nominating committee shall be appointed by the president and approved by the Board; and it shall submit names of candidates for each office at least thirty days prior to elections.
(c)    The consent of each candidate shall be obtained before his name is place in nomination.
(d)   Additional nominations may be made providing the consent of the nominee has been obtained and has been forwarded to the president for publication in the newsletter to be published at the time the slate of officers is presented.
Section 4:   VACANCY:  A vacancy in an office shall be filled by the president with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 5:  DUTIES: 
(a)   The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings, see that all orders of the Board of Directors are carried in to effect, be ex-officio of committees except the nominating committee, and perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office.
(b)   The VICE PRESIDENT shall perform the duties of the president in the absence of the president, and perform all other duties required of them by the by-laws or by resolution of the Board of Directors
(c)    The SECRETARY shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the association and of the Board, handle all general correspondence of the organization, sign all notices, and perform other duties as may be delegated to him/her by the Executive Committee of Board of Directors.
(d)   The TREASURER shall collect all dues and receive all other monies of the association; keep all funds in the name of the corporation in a bank, the deposits of which are guaranteed; disburse money only by check, countersigned by the president; keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and present a statement of account at every meeting and other times upon the request of the Board of Directors, including a full report annually, at election meeting; and submit the records for audit at such time as the Board of Directors may request.,
Section 6:  EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:  The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer constitute the Executive Committee.
Section 7:   ATTENDANCE:  If any officer fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without due cause their position shall be deemed vacant.


Section 1:  MANAGEMENT
(a)   The management of the affairs of this association shall be governed by the Executive Committee (4 officers) and the Board of Directors (a maximum of 7 members).  It shall include officers of this Association, and reflect neighborhood representation.
(b)   The officers and the Board of Directors determine policy and act as the legislative body of the Association
Section 2:  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS:  The members of the Board shall be elected for a term of one year at the same time as the officers; the name of the candidates for the Board shall be listed in alphabetical order on the ballot.
Section 3: VACANCY:  The president shall fill any vacancy on its board for the remainder of the term with the consent of the Executive Committee.
(a)   The Board shall hold a minimum of ten meetings per a year; the time and place will be determined by the board.
(b)   Special meetings of the board may be called by the President, or by the Executive Committee or by four members of the Board of Directors, provided that three-day notice has been given and written notice has been mailed to the officers and Board of Directors.
Section 5:  QUORUM:  A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 6:  EMERITUS MEMBERSHIP:  Emeritus membership shall be given to longstanding Board members.  These members continue to pay family membership and may vote at a general meeting.  At Board meetings, they may cast the vote to break a tie.
Section 7:  ATTENDANCE TO MEETINGS:  If any member of the board of directors fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without due cause, their position will be deemed vacant.
Section 8:  POLITICAL ADVOCACY:  No board member of director shall endorse their political candidate(s) on behalf of the Association.


Section 1:  REGULAR:  The Association shall have one meeting of the general membership per annum, called by the President at the time and place approved by the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.  The membership shall be informed of the meeting by written notice through the Association newsletter.
Section 2: QUORUM: The majority of the board (Executive committee, Board of Directors, emeritus and general members combined) shall constitute a quorum.  


Section 1:  Committees shall be created by the membership as may be required to promote the objectives of the Association.
Section 2:  The President shall appoint the necessary chairperson of the special committee as needed. 
Section 3:  The chairperson of all committees shall present all plans of work, including newsletters, to the Executive Committee for approval prior to taking any action.


The rules contained in “Roberts Rules of Order, Revised” shall server as guideline for the Association.


The by-laws of the Association are to be made, altered or rescinded by the membership at any general meeting, or via e-mail, by the majority of board members and providing further that notice was given through the Association e-newsletter.  The bylaws will be made accessible via the Association’s blog.